On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 06:51:10PM -0700, Brian McGroarty wrote:
> I'm using the stock potato 2.2.19 kernel and I've added apm=on
> to the kernel command line.
> How do I enable apm console blanking? I'm not using X on this
> system, and I'd like to power off the display after 5 minutes of
> no mouse/keyboard.

I picked this up a long time ago and have it in /etc/init.d/local:

set_dpms() {
        echo -n  "Setting DPMS for text console: "
        setterm -blank 5 -powersave on
        echo -en "\033[9;8]"
        echo -en "\033[14;10]"
        echo "done."


Without having traveled a great deal, I have seen countries in
which people think that agriculture can make no progress unless
the government supports experimental farms; that soon there will
no longer be any horses, if the government does not provide studs;
that fathers will not have their children educated, or will have
them taught only immorality, if the government does not decide
what it is proper to learn.
        -- Fr?d?ric Bastiat (1801-1850)
    Rick Pasotto    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.niof.net

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