In MaD dUCK's email, 20-06-2001:
> so i pulled this old 486-33 machine out of the basement, it's got 8Mb
> RAM, a shitty graphics card, and 240Mb of HDD space. it's ISA only,
> but i want to try using an AVM FritzCard and a cheap NE2000 compatible
> to make it be a masquerading router. it's probably going to fail, but
> i want to try anyway.
> question is: 2.2.x kernels or 2.4.x? i'd tend for the latter, but i
> don't know is that's harsher on the hardware and needs more space, or
> not...
> any hints, tips, thoughts welcome!
> martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
>   \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> only through hard work and perseverance can one truly suffer.


Well, I can only tell you what I'm doing now - I have a 486/33 in my room doing
all the rouiting and masquerading for my internal network of about 6 boxen right
now out to my high-speed internet..  I'm using 2.2 mostly because I don't quite
grok the ipfilter or whatever the 2.4 kernel uses right now.  Other than that,
the machine is puttin away with 2 ne2k ISA cards in it and giving out dhcp and
dns for the internal network.   I think I have 16mb of ram though.
"Don't dis the 486" :) 

Michael Janssen - Jamuraa - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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