-- Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Thursday, 27 February 2003, 02:52 PM +0100):
> Hi all,
> Here at work, I (have to) use Windows 2000. In only now dared to
> install Mozilla, and wondered if there's any way at all to make
> Mozilla look like IE to the outer world... I don't mean the theme or
> something (already changed that :-), but the browser string it leaves
> behind. Accessing the internet via a proxy, in the end someone over
> there will notice my usage of another browser...
> Is there anything I can edit to make Mozilla behave like it was
> Internet Explorer?

In your profile directory (usually ~/.mozilla/username/somethinghere/;
not sure where it is on Windows, but look for the directory containing
your prefs.js file), create a file called "user.js", and add the
following to it:

    // user.js: Personal preferences which Mozilla shouldn't overwrite

    // Change user_agent string to be that of IE5.5 on Windows 2000
    user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; 
Windows NT 5.0)")

This will keep Mozilla from overwriting the preference if you change
your preferences at any point, and deliver a user agent string claiming
to be Internet Explorer 5.5 running on a Windows 2000 box. Note: the
string "Mozilla/5.0" isn't technically correct for IE5.5 -- it should be
4.0, but Mozilla will balk if it's less than 5. When I've run this
against browser detection scripts, however, they've all reported it

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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