[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Overholt) writes:

> Hi,
> I have been successfully using Debian Woody for about 8 months now and I
> am proud to say that it's not my default boot.  Recently I've been trying

  I usually ignore posts that start out like this. For some
  reason they rub me wrong. (Even though I am in no way a
  part of the Debian Project) Just a loyal user. I am still
  using stable, so I might not have insight to all your 
  problems, but I will try to help.

> to get XMPS working and after trying to watch a DivX with crappy quality,
> I decided to upgrade to the NVidia drivers from their site.  This went off
> without a hitch and now I get the nice NVidia logo when starting
> Enlightenment.
> Last night, I decided to recompile my kernel without SMP support (I saw
> that I had it compiled in and that it would run faster without it.  After
> running make xconfig, I ran make dep modules modules_install.  This
> resulted in an error at the SMP part of the compilation at which point I
> realized that I have some screwed up kernel source 'cause this happens
> every time I try to compile without SMP support.

  Could you post the error messages. Actually the error messages, and
  the last 10-15 lines before that would probably be helpful. Most
  problems I have had compiling kernels has NOT been a problem with
  the source.

> Oh well, I said, and went to bed.  Today I turned on my machine and the
> X-Server wouldn't connect (text login vs. normal gdm).  I thought this was
> weird so I tryed `startx'.  This also did not work and after a few hours
> of messing around with different things, I recompiled my Nvidia drivers
> and now have working gdm again.
> HOWEVER, whenever I try to play an MP3 in XMMS or view a movie in XMPS,
> the computer locks up completely!  I mean, we're talking Windows-like
> jamming (but without the mouse moving) without a Ctrl-Alt-Del response or
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace either.  I have to hard reset my computer and then I
> get the usual fsck stuff which says there were "detached" inodes (I
> think ... or something like that) which get fixed (after entering the
> root password) and then the cycle repeats itself.

  Lockups of this type are extremely rare with Linux. Could be a
  driver or hardware issue.

  While I like XMMS, it can cause some nasty problems. I have had
  it cause problems with my gnome-sawmill desktop. I does cause
  the desktop to lock up, but not that tight -- and can be fixed
  by stopping whatever is being played. Other players do not seem
  to have this problem.

  I would really try to avoid that reset button if at all possible.
  If <ctrl><alt><F1> will get you to a text console do (as root)
  the command  " /etc/init.d/gdm stop ".
  ... If I cannot get to a text console, I go to another computer 
  on my network and telnet in.

  Hope something here has been of help.



*  For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*  that whoever believes in Him should not perish...    John 3:16  *

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