On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 02:16:43PM +0700, Brian Durant wrote:
> The response is "not found". Remember, I am still in the install. I 

the response to what?  ifconfig?  lspci?  also, were you able to install
the kernel onto the hard disk?  if you can finish the install process
and boot off the hard disk (even if it's only a base system and you
can't install anything else yet), that's one less variable to worry about.

> don't have any problems dhcp on any of the other connected boxes, all 
> running a version of Win at this time. All receive an IP address 
> automatically through dhcp. I tried "ifconfig eth0" again (had to do a 
> "<ctrl> <alt> <delete>" to get out of little problem with grep in the 

ctrl alt delete to what?  if you need to kill your way out of a program,
try ctrl-c

> shell as per my last posting and start the install process one more 
> time) and noticed a line with: "Interupt: 11 Base address: 0xe400", but 
> everything else is all zeros. I hope this helps, at this point I am 
> utterly clueless.

after you boot up from your hard drive, how about

# grep -i eth0 /var/log/dmesg


# grep eth0 /etc/network/interfaces

good luck...

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