On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 05:02:39PM +0200, pReJkEr wrote:
>   that manual for dselect is not well written ;[[
>   how to download with dselect only libc6 and all the packages
>   that libc6 require? when i press + on the numpad it adds more
>   packages that are needed (i think ;])...

What are you trying to do?  Are you trying to get lib6 or some other
package from woody or sid for your potato system?  That will not work,
if that's what you're doing.  dselect is trying to download all the
other packages because they depend on a specific version of libc.  If
you install libc from woody or sid, you need to upgrade all the packages
that depend on libc.  That's what dselect is trying to do.  If you only
upgraded libc, everything would break, because the new libc is not
compatible with the old one.

Of course, if that's not what you're trying to do, then you can probably
ignore my advice.  But you should provide more information so people can
help you figure out exactly why dselect is doing what it's doing.


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