On Wednesday 13 June 2001 09:22 am, Robert A. Jacobs wrote:
> * David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [130601 11:03]:
> > Not that I'm against some duplication, but isn't this basically what
> > www.linuxnewbie.org is doing? They were absolutely critical in my early
> > days of linux, and I still head back there every so often to search the
> > archives to see if anyone else has had my problem.
> Hmmm...you might want to head over there and check it out again then. 
> "Sensei" no longer works for Internet.com (he went to work for Trolltech, I
> think). Sooooooo...the fate of linuxnewbie is currently up in the air.
> For what its worth, I did enjoy linuxnewbie (heck, got my ISA PNP USR 56K
> Modem configured and running using the information at that site) but I do
> think that it tended towards the "magical incantation" side of the linux
> experience.
Yeah, I heard about that, but he did say that it'll continue running, he just 
doesn't know the details about it. As for hosting this project on 
sourceforge... well, that's not too solid a proposition these days either.

- David Nusinow

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