Hi List I need to input a file as raw text (every linbreak must be a linebreak, there are some backslashes in it etc.) I tried \input[verbatim]{file}, but this does not what I want it to (It gives an error message instead ;-) ) The problem is: I do not want to make a second copy of the file where I could put a \begin{verbatim} at the beginning and an \end{verbatim} at the end. Including the whole text is not good, because this does not improve the readability of the .tex file. Any idea?
thanks joerg -- Machen Sie Ihr Hobby zu Geld bei unserem Partner 1&1! http://profiseller.de/info/index.php3?ac=OM.PS.PS003K00596T0409a -- GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet. http://www.gmx.net