On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 at 11:32:55 -0700, Forrest English wrote:
> thneed:/usr/bin# apt-get -o DPkg::Options::--force-overwrite -f install
> E: Option DPkg::Options::--force-overwrite: Configuration item
> sepecification must have an =<val>.
> did i do somthing stupid?  i'm not real familier with what the above
> does.  was there an option there i was supposed to change?

[Cc'd back to -user to correct myself, hope you don't mind]

Sorry, I should have checked that before posting. I meant:

  apt-get -o DPkg::Options=--force-overwrite -f install

That passes --force-overwrite to all dpkg invocations, so that if a
package contains a file that's already in another package it will be
installed anyway and overwrite that file. It's not for general use, but
handy in situations like this when a package is missing an appropriate
Replaces: header.


Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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