Brian Schramm wrote:
> Can you give me an idea on how to do that by nis?  Maybe that would be better
> anyways. 
Sure, it's really quite simple on a pure Linux network but I have no
idea how well Windows will play with the other boxen.  On my net I've
got one server running Dead Rat 7.1 (seawolf), lots of little Debian
boxen running stable (they're power pc's), and my workstation which is
running testing (i386).  

The first thing I did was to set up the server giving all of the users
on the network accounts on that box.  

I then set up NIS.  The red hat box has the NIS server software on it
and all the others have the NIS client stuff (The NIS howto has a good
explanation of how to set this up and there's a section in the Network
Administrators Guide that you'll want to read too).  Two things: I think
I recall reading that a recent upgrade of libc broke NIS so check what
version you're running (stable is probably the best thing to put on the
server) and you'll want to disable shadow passwords.  NIS broadcasts the
password database to anyone who asks for it so you loose the security
that shadow password gives you and it doesn't work with all libc's out
there (though I've never had a problem).  Also, if shadow password is
disabled for all of the user accounts you can still put the root
password in there and keep it secure.

Then set up NFS.  On the clients I add a line in the fstab so that they
mount /home on bootup:
northbridge:/home       /home   nfs     rw,user 0       

And make sure that all of the clients are in the exports file on the
server so that they can mount the nfs shares.

That's it.  Because you're using NIS the client mounting the NFS share
is the owner of that share so there's no need to mess around with
permisions and stuff.


 The nfs client that I am using on Windows has that as a choice.
> Brian
> Andrew D Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Brian Schramm wrote:
> > >
> > > Has anyone gotten the pcnfsd system to work?  I am trying to share a nfs
> mount
> > > with windows (samba will not work in this case) and am haveing trouble
> with
> > > pcnfsd.  It will not authorize the users.
> > >
> > >
> > I've never used pcnfsd but even the regular old nfsd is picky about what
> > users can access an nfs file.  I use nis with nfs to avoid user
> > authorization problems.
> >
> > I bet Windows doesn't do NIS, hugh?  Maybe a program like Hummingbird
> > would get you around this problem?
> >
> > sory I couldn't be more helpful,
> > Andy
> >
> --
> Brian Schramm
>    ICQ 104442754  AIM schrammbrian

Andrew D. Dixon
Software Engineer
Seranao Networks
978-8973434 x231

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