hi ya jordi

you have a run away process and/or a memory leak

( amd and intel cpu behave slightly differently for 
( the same code...

what apps is running???

top -i
ps axuw

c ya

On Sun, 3 Jun 2001, Jordi S. Bunster wrote:

> Just a question: Is there any reason in particular for a Debian
> Box keep its load average always over 6?
> It is a AMD Athlon 750 Mhz with 256 Megs of RAM, running potato
> and 2.2.19, compiled to run on i686. It has the Patches Debian
> puts on the stock kernel, and the new-style raid patches,
> although no RAIDs are set up yet.
> Sometimes the Load Average goes over 10, making sendmail refuse
> connections. It is running sendmail, IMAP, POP3, apache+perl,
> Radius(cistron) and that's it. What can possibly be wrong?
> Sidenote: We had another similar machine (processor was a PIII
> 550 Mhz) running the same stuff, but with Slackware. Load was
> never that high, and the machine swapped all the time, at least
> 25 Megs. The new Debian Box never swaps, but has a high load
> always.

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