>>>>> On Sat,  2 Jun 2001 15:02:41 -0500 (CDT)
        John Hughes writes:

JH> I am trying to get my dualboot machine to work properly. using Lilo, i can 
boot linux, which occupies
JH> /dev/hda
JH> When i tried to get it to boot Win2k, which occupies /dev/hdb, it came up 
with something about NTDLTR
JH> or something like that. How can i get it to boot win2k?

GRUB boot loader support booting Windows on not /dev/hda.
When you setup GRUB on your Linux or create GRUB boot floppy,
you can boot Windows by using `map' command. ie) When you
execute following,

     map (hd0) (hd1)
     map (hd1) (hd0) 

you exchange /dev/hda and /dev/hdb virtually.

When we discussed the same article, Romain Lerallut insisted
that LILO also supported that feature.

>>>>> On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 15:32:58 +0100
        Romain Lerallut writes:

RL> Just FYI you can also swap disks with LILO.
RL> (I've not often seen it mentioned so I guess I'll say it aloud here)
RL> Apart from the syntax that was a bit more evoluted than GRUB's it is
RL> exactly the same.
RL> It's something like this:
RL>   map-drive = 0x80              # Logically swap the drives so that when
RL> they
RL>     to = 0x81                   #  are accessed via the BIOS, the second
RL> drive
RL>   map-drive = 0x81              #  will appear as the first and the
RL> first as
RL>     to = 0x80                   #  the second.
RL> (from http://www.wwnet.net/~stevelim/booting.html)
RL> LILO's not dead (yet) :-)
RL> Romain

        Susumu Takuwa

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