On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 06:49:31PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote: <vi instructions> | <propaganda>The correct solution is | emacs <filename> | M-x goto-line 12 | </propaganda> | | vi is great for quick hacking as root,
Maybe... | but emacs is the real deal. Naw, (g)vim is much better <wink> (I have tried emacs, and that is my conclusion, now go make your own after trying both) | Type M-x tutorial (Escape-x tutorial) for a 15 minute intro that will That is press and release Escape, press and release x, type 'tutorial'. (this little explanation of Meta is for those with interesting combinations of OSes and hardware types wondering why Meta "doesn't" work) Escape works as Meta regardless of machine type. If you are using an x86 Linux system, the left Alt is also Meta (So type Alt-x tutorial). If you are on a Windows box that is XHosting emacs running on Solaris the Alt doesn't work -- the black diamond key on the Solaris keyboard is Meta (same place as PC Alt). I haven't tried with any other system, but I found that inconsistency (in OSes/hardware) to be rather annoying. -D