Hi, I was being lazy, and was going to sync the time on my Windoze box against my Linux box, using the "net time" command from a DOS box.
Here's what happened: C:\WINDOWS>net time \\caesar Current time at \\CAESAR is 5-26-2001 2:53A.M. The command was completed successfully. But on my Linux box: caesar:/home/apollock# date Sat May 26 17:56:20 EST 2001 I'm pretty sure I do have my hardware clock set to UTC (how can you tell?), but even then: caesar:/home/apollock# date --utc Sat May 26 07:57:06 UTC 2001 So I'm at a bit of a loss to work out what's going on with respect to the time differences. The timezone on the Linux box is same as the Windoze box. Any suggestions? Andrew