Could you please tell me what is wrong with the following script :

mkisofs -AArchive-22-05-2001/AI-1 -P"B Thomas" -hide-rr-moved -J -R -r \
 -x ai/areas -x ai/lang -o ai1.iso \
 ai \
 areas/=ai/areas/0.doc \
 areas/=ai/areas/file_ext.txt \
 areas/=ai/areas/readme.txt \
 areas/=ai/areas/0.html \
 areas/=ai/areas/index.html \
 areas/=ai/areas/agents \
 areas/=ai/areas/alife \

when I try to run it mkisofs complains :

mksofs: Error: ai/areas/agents/readme.txt and ai/areas/readme.txt have the same
Rock Ridge name
mkisofs: Unable to sort directory areas
and many other similar errors

As i understand mkisofs is complaining about namespace clashes . But from 
the man pages I would have expected that for instance the directory agents 
would appear as a subdirectory to the directory areas in the root dir. At
least that was the intention.

BTW: I notice there is very little supports for such directory grafting features
in gcombust and xcdroast . Would you know of any other GUI burner that has them.

B Thomas

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