Subject: printer problem
        Date: Tue, May 22, 2001 at 07:23:54PM -0500

In reply to:Thomas H. George

Quoting Thomas H. George([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Trying to make printer (brother HL-730 on parallel port) work from 
> debian linux 2.2.19:
> lp testtxt
> and from Abiword in ximian gnome desk top.  Compiled the kernel with 
> parallel printer support and autoprobe.

Look at the past months mail archive for discussion on this.

I have a Brother HL-10V worling fine using magicfilter.  Could only
get a great test page out of apsfilter. :(

Works for every program I have tried.

One other thought.  Have you compiled the kernel correctly?  A lot of
parport options there.  Also have you included the parport options in
the appends= in lilo.conf?  ie:
append  = "lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none"

( 'none' means don't ise an IRQ, which isn't required for the printer)

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)

There can never be a computer language in which you cannot write a
bad program.

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