gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c natsemi.c 
from the bottom of the natsemi.c file.  My file placement is standard for the
kernel.  I have a link to the 2.2.19 source directory by the name of linux.  I
have the drivers stored in the /usr/src/module directory.  

I hope this helps.


"Noah L. Meyerhans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On Sat, May 19, 2001 at 01:28:45AM -0000, Brian Schramm wrote:
> > I never ran mrproper.  The last time I did that I had trouble bringing
> > everything back to a good compile so I don't do that any more. 
> > that was a long time ago and many kernels back.
> > 
> > I have looked in the directory that you said and I have a modversions.h
> > So, I do not know what I can do about this problem.
> In that case you must just be telling the compiler to look in the wrong
> place for kernel include files.  Post the command line you're using to
> compile the natsemi.c driver.
> noah
> -- 
>  _______________________________________________________
> | Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
> | PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

Brian Schramm
http://www.linuxexpert.org    ICQ 104442754  AIM schrammbrian

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