On Mon, 14 May 2001 at 11:38:48 -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote: [snip] >Try sending a message to a both to a disappearing and >non-disappearing address. The disappearing address, after >delivery, should show up with a "D" in the mailq output, >while the non-disappearing address prevents the mail from >being erased from the queue. Then you should be able to >see what happened from the logfile. [snip]
I have also been doing a lot of reading: - /usr/share/doc/exim/oview.txt.gz - /usr/share/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz To answer one of my own questions previously posted, the way to see log messages for email messages that have already been delivered is to use ``exigrep'' ...for example: # exigrep aol /var/log/exim/mainlog And ``exicyclog'' causes log files to be refreshed. Thank you for explaining the syntax for mailq/head/cut/tail commands. OK, i tried sending a message to both a disappearing and a non-disappearing address. I knew that "@yahoo.com" would get to its destination, but "@aol.com" would not: $ echo "TEST." | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Here it is in the queue: # mailq 0m 307 150UOr-0001mF-00 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> D [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Here it is in the main log (``exicyclog'' was used to flush old messages away): # exigrep aol /var/log/exim/mainlog +++ 150UOr-0001mF-00 not completed +++ 2001-05-17 13:29:33 150UOr-0001mF-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=cymbala P=local S=289 2001-05-17 13:29:33 150UOr-0001mF-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] routing defer (-42): retry time not reached 2001-05-17 13:29:33 150UOr-0001mF-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost defer (-1): 2001-05-17 13:29:33 150UOr-0001mF-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]: retry timeout exceeded 2001-05-17 13:29:34 150UOr-0001mF-00 Error message sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] After doing enough reading, it occurred to me that the reason why email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (and select others) was marked as "D" for delivered (per man-page extract you posted in most recent reply) but was "disappearing" had to do with Exim's databases. It has these databases: - retry - reject - wait-* (e.g., wait-smtp) - serial-* Those databases remember what has happened in the past. The command to view those databases is "exim_dumpdb". So, i dumped: # exim_dumpdb /var/spool/exim retry Lo and behold, the "problem" domains (like "@aol.com") appeared with the strange message "unknown error" (or something like that). I don't have the exact error message from the retry database because of: # exim_tidydb -t 0d /var/spool/exim retry That command deleted all historical information (thus, I don't have wording of the error message). That did it!!!!! I mean, fixed the problem. After running tidy-db (with time set to 0d, or zero days) the retry database no longer gets in the way. In other words: # mailq 0m 307 150UOr-0001mF-00 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] has _NOT_ yet been delivered, but will be delivered once I establish a PPP connection using ``pon''. Two observations: 1. file://localhost/usr/share/doc/exim/oview.txt.gz "Exim is not designed for storing mail for dial-in hosts." 2. file://localhost/usr/share/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz "41. INTERMITTENTLY CONNECTED HOSTS Exim was designed for use on permanently connected hosts." and, "41.2 Exim on the intermittently connected host" 3. ``man exim_tidydb'' "It is suggested that it be run periodically on all three databases, but at a quiet time of day, ..." Now there's just one question remaining in my mind... is Debian configured to run exim_tidydb periodically? In my situation (the dial-up laptop) the whole retry/reject database thing is a hassle that doesn't really increase efficiency. I'm probably going to put exim_tidydb (with time 0d) into my daily cron jobs just to avoid the original problem: disappearing emails. Final note: exigrep reported that error messages were being sent upon "retry timeout exceeded" but the destination domain ("@lafn.org") was one of those domains in the "retry timeout exceeded" group. Thus, error notifications were also being rejected, giving the "disappearing message" effect. Here's the original post: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-0105/msg00755.html THANKS Michael, Alan and Rob! Robert -- Robert Cymbala [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...or... [EMAIL PROTECTED] QUEBEC CITY -- The leaders of 34 Western Hemisphere nations... promised to create a hemisphere in which `no one is left behind.' -- April 23. JAMES GERSTENZANG, L.A. Times __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices http://auctions.yahoo.com/