On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:36:41PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> How do you disable the SASL?  The library was installed by default
> when I installed slapd.

I'm not sure if you can, otherwise than recompiling the package.  Just get
used to the -x option, until you get SASL running.  Oh, and when you do,
please let me know how :)

> I did do the "ldapdadd" command again with the -x, put in my pass
> and it returned a diff error,  "invalid credentials"... 

Ah, I read the first post too hastily, just saw the SASL thing first.
This time your problem is that you're trying to add your userid in the
LDAP and authenticating yourself as that user..  Chicken or egg, anyone?

Try using the admin account when adding the ldif, uid=admin,ou=People,
  dc=your_subdomain, etc...

Tommi Komulainen                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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