I previously sent this to mutt-user's list but there was no answer. ---- I have a little problem with displaying the proper date in mutt. My date_format is set to "%c". The problem is with the time zone which mutt shows when I reply to a message. Let's say I reply to my own mail. I am in the CEST time zone (yes, date shows the right time; my locale is also set as it should be) so mutt should fill the beginning of this reply with: "On some_date CEST you wrote:". However, it shows the time zone as GMT. What is more, it doesn't change the date (so, if the mail is written at 12:00 CEST, it's printed as 12:00 GMT). It's a bit weird because the Date: header in my mails are filled properly (like: the_time +0200). My question is: what is the problem and how can I fix it :)? One more thing: my hardware clock is set to local time.
-- Tomasz Olszewski | [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Niepokoi nas to czego nie rozumiemy." -- Anatol France