I'm now using com3 irq 3... cause irq 4 would mess with com1... but i've
tried using minicom to dial to my isp and staying connected for a long
time... but after a few seconds i get disconnected, also with pppd, i dial..
stablish a connection, and after a few secs, minutes at the most, i get
suddenly disconnected... i've disabled the call waiting feature of my phone
line but still get disconnected...
I really don't know what to do... i want to use this modem :/

Ricardo E. Mauricio

----- Original Message -----
To: Ricardo Mauricio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: Can anyone help me with a modem problem ?

> On 11 May 2001, at 22:29, Ricardo Mauricio wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a Us Robotics 33.6 Internal modem, it has jumpers to set the com
port and irq, and if i remove all jumpers i turns to PnP. When i connect to
my isp i spend a secs online and then suddenly disconnects.. sometimes i can
dial back, but most of the times when i use "pon <my connection>" pppd
> just exits... and i try using minicom (after the disconnection) and the
modem won't inittialize, i tried the modem on windoze and it connects just
fine... maybe i'm setting it up wrong so i would like some help.
>Ricardo E. Mauricio
> Hi Ricardo:
>  You didn't say how you set the jumpers, but I assume you went
> with pnp. My modem didn't work with linux on pnp, I used win to
> see which com it was set up on and then set the jumpers for that.
> HTH  Dean
> >
> >

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