Bob Wilkinson wrote:

> Also see

Sorry, I cut and pasted the wrong link...

> Only the IRQ and transceiver setting may be overridden when using
> the driver as a module. Setting two cards to 10base2/IRQ10 and
> AUI/IRQ11 is done by using the xcvr and irq module options:
>   options 3c509 xcvr=3,3 irq=10,11
> i.e. the option io *is not* available when the code is loaded as a
> module - hence the error. You may have to play with the values for
> xcvr - I think I got by with xcvr=3 irq=10 (but try xcvr=0 if this
> doesn't work).
> Bob
> --
> He who has the courage to laugh is almost as much a master of the world
> as he who is ready to die.
>                 -- Giacomo Leopardi

Usually, when you enter a I/O parameter incorrectly insmod cries about it. I've 
actually dealt with this type of NIC and assumed that it's very compatible with 
3Com Vortex card.

Guess not :-D

Glad to hear things worked out in the end.


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