I was reading an article in Linux Journal on booting with GRUB. It looked very interesting and I thought: "Why not give it a try" There is one feature in GRUB that I like, that is, you can browse with your arrow keys to select the OS you want to boot. I don't think this exists in LILO. The problem is this. In the article they mention that it is possible to boot an OS installed after the 8 GB limit, provided that the BIOS handles LBA mode. I have a large HD of 30GB on which two OS recide, i.e. Win98 (the first 10GB) and linux (debian - potata) (the rest of the HD). I am not sure if my BIOS supports LBA but I think so. Now I am using "lilo -L" for multibooting and that works. Using GRUB, I have a problem. When I install GRUB in the MBR I get the error message Geom error. looking in the GRUB manual. This error means that stage 2 of GRUB can not be found. Possible reason for this is that you changed something with the addressing mode of the HD. I am using GRUB version 0.5.93.???, is it perhaps possible that this version of GRUB does not support large drives? Should I instead use GRUB version as mentioned in the article? Greetings, Stefan.