Angel Parra wrote:

> Hello!
>         I have a mini-router (linux) with ipmasq, and an internal server. My
> small server has the bind server, and on normal botting the bind server
> only servers the names filed on my own database ... but if I stop the
> bind server and start it again, it works fine. And it also works if I
> change the booting secuence of bind to be startted-up after network.
> What it's happening???? I am using Debian 2.2.
>         Thank you for all
>                 Angel

Make sure you've edited /etc/resolv.conf to tell the resolver routines that your
localhost is also your nameserver.

I run bind (named) on my router, I have it configure as a caching-only
nameserver. One problem that I ran into is that whenever I would restart my
networking services my DSL providers DHCP server would re-write /etc/resolv.conf
and exclude my localhost from the equation. So, if your external IP is
configured via DHCP, edit your DHCP client configuration files to exclude DNS


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