In Tham Kine Seng's email, 10-05-2001:
> Hello people,
>       I had mounted a windows partition.  Now I am trying to give "write"
> permission to my user to this windows partition. Anybody knows how to
> go about giving this permission?
>       All suggestions are greatly welcomed. Thank you.
> =====
> Cheers,
> Just Me!!

I created a new group 'windows' with the `addgroup` command, then
mounted it in /etc/fstab as that group with the umask of 007.  Then I
added myself to the group, of course.   At first I was hesitant to add
the execute bit, but then I couldn't store executable stuff on the
windows partition.   mind, I mount it with 'nosuid' to be sure that I
don't have any weird hybrid viruses sneaking up on me through
windows.. probably paranoia on my part though. 

Michael Janssen - Jamuraa - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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