I am sending this message for a friend who is without internet access. Please reply to his email address at the bottom and not to this address. Thank you,

Dear group,

I would like specific help in building and configuring my home-built computer.

Here is a list of what I have:

A) Debian 2.2
B) Gnome 1.2.1
C.1) Supermicro Pentium III
     Super P6 DGU GX 440 (82443GX) family motherboard
  2) Using upgraded flash BIOS (R03.0DGU4061 ROM)
     Original BIOS was super.ROM
D) Three each, 9.1GB IBM SCSI HDs.
E) Viewsonic VPA150 Monitor (flat)
F) 3DLabs Oxgen GVX 210 w/ v1.00 CD
G) Soundblast Live card
H) 3Com USR 56K voice/faxmodem
J) Logitech Trackman Marble FX
K) APC BackUPS 650 (smart power supply)
L) HP ScanJet 6300C
M) HP DeskJet 970cxi

I do not have much access to the internet to search, therefore any real help is much appreciated.

The system is assembled and the hard drives are partitioned. But, Debian can't see the drives and I don't have the Debian-compatible software drivers for any of the above hardware.

I do have the Debian CD and boot floppy. I don't know how to work from the command prompt, and so I need help with specific instructions that aren't on the Debian GNU Linux X86 V.2.2 CD.

My goal is to install GNOME, Opera, communcations packages (phone answering, webradio, fax etc), a firewall, and a 3-volume (3 HDs) stripe set.

The Oxygen GVX 210 Video card has dual monitor support which I will use, and the motherboard has two-CPU support which I will use later.

I would like to achieve integration of these components, and move on to add DVD, digital camera, and an art pad and firewire support.

It's a big list, so any help will truely be appreciated!

-Forrest Cameranesi, Geek of All Trades
forrest [at] bungie [dot] org - forrest [at] west [dot] net
<http://myth.bungie.org/> - <http://www.west.net/~forrest/>
"I am Sam. Sam I am. I do not like trolls, flames, or spam."

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