Hi, I run potato r3. I use mp3blaster, xmms to play mp3s, audio cds play fine. But Gnome doesn't recognise my sound devices. It keeps saying /dev/dsp -- no such device, and Tries esound for many rates, and errors saying "NO supported rates found" come up. Also the mixer program of Gnome don't work, saying no mixer found. But i am able to listen to audio cds, mp3s with mp3blaster/xmms. (mpg123 also doesnt work saying no supported rates found). Help.
-- Regards, V.Suresh. sureshv<at>users<dot>sourceforge<dot>net http://www16.brinkster.com/vsuresh. ----------------------Powered by Debian---------------------- 10:13pm up 2:50, 3 users, load average: 1.00, 0.97, 0.82 -------------------------------------------------------------