Built up a new box this weekend based on the ASUS A7V133 mainboard.  Running
a Duron 850Mhz.

No major problems getting things going but am seeing something funny with
Grub.  When I select my Debian partition, grub starts but there is a 30
second delay before the kernel uncompresses.  Weird.  It also happens if I
select the SUSe partition.

I tried using the IBM disk (which is ATA/100) on the Primary ATA/100 IDE
channel and it came up as HDE.  Since the box had a DVD and SUSe came with a
DVD-ROM I tried installing that first.  It worked, but there was always this
long delay while some part of the boot went looking for hda and hdb.  So I
gave up and put the disk back on the primary IDE channel.

Other than that everything is sweet.  Took me about 8 hours to build Debian
on the box to the point where everything works the way it does on the box I
am retiring (233 MHz Cyrix on an AT board).  A big part of that time was
tied up in:

Networking - spent futzing with the NetGear FA-311.  I never did get the
natsemi driver to compile - something about a structure missing a member.
Finally wised up and just swapped out the D-Link from the Win2K box.  Still
had to play some games with the BIOS.  The rtl8139 was trying to run the
card on IRQ 0.  Changed the BIOS to PNP/OS == no and specifically assigned
the NIC slot to IRQ=10.  One of those two did it.

Sound - had tried to load the es1371 module a couple of times.  Had problem,
went over to networking.  When I fixed the networking I tried sound again
and this time modprobe es1371 went smoothly.

TIA for any clues.

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