You have tried configuring you postscript printer w/
Sat Office's printer configuration tool? It is a post
scipt printer, right? If not you're out of luck AFAIK.

--- Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have gs, lprng, apsfilter etc on my potato system
> and it works.  I can
> print from Abiword, Netscape and the command line.
> However, nothing happens when I try to print from
> StarOffice.  Also, if
> I ask StarOffice to print to a file and then view
> that with gs with this
> command:
> gs -sDEVICE=x11 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 testfile.print
> then it looks as thought the fonts are really huge.
> How do you get StarOffice to print?
> Thanks.
> Mark.
> -- 
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Regards-   Tim Stetson  Whiskey Sour     Nuhn O. Yobiznez

                Licq # 14373626
   Why?.........Why not?..............Why not try?

          The rule of an inquisitive mind.

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