>>>>> "Karsten" == Karsten M Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> writes:

    Karsten> I believe there's a PDP-11 emulator that runs under
    Karsten> GNU/Linux, try "Ersatz-11" and "CHARON-11".  My
    Karsten> understanding is that it's faster than real life ;-)

Any while we're at it, there's the simh package... for those of us who
never had the fortune to work on a PDP 11, it shows the original PDP
11 feeling... and more than that (emulates a number of PDPs, and some
other related machines)

And with the simh-unix-images, you can even play with a UNIX Version
7, yay!  ;-)

Bye, J

PS: The most annoying feature, though, is that it apparently
busy-waits... IIRC load was near 1 while I ran it on my Cyrix MII
machine (233MHz, 64M).  Installing on my 500MHz notebook to test while
I write this ;-)

Jürgen A. Erhard    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
          My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
          George Herrimann's Krazy Kat (http://www.krazy.com)
          Codito, ergo sum - I code, therefore I am -- Raster

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