Thanks to all who replied. Here's what I did in the end
(not having a rescue disk and being too ashamed to admit it)...

Downloaded Tom's Root and Boot disk

Booted using tomsrtbt and since I had no concrete idea what
the partition table looked like (head once more bowed in
shame), I mounted each of the partitions under /mnt to find
out which one was the root filesystem.

Tried to run lilo (/mnt/sbin/lilo -v -v) but got a file
not found error.

Scratched head and looked confused.

Rebooted the system, and passed root=/dev/hdax to tomsrtbt.

It happily booted my system, apart from some errors which I 
assumed were due to the 2.0 series kernel (I run 2.4.2).

Ran lilo very verbosely (lilo -v -v), saw it pass with no errors.

Rebooted system. Joy!

Many thanks to all those who made suggestions (which were no
doubt extremely relevant to sensible people who keep rescue
disks/cds, and know which partition is which on their system --
I shall endeavour to become one of them).



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