I have a TNT2. I have 2 problems with fb nvidia: 1- How can i set resolution in lilo.conf ?? It ever starts with 640x480, and i cannot change it.
2- I can run X with fbdev only with 8bpp. When i use 16bpp it crashes. Is there anybody who use nvidia fb ?? Could i have your lilo.conf and XF86Config ? plz reply to my email. thanks a lot. ____________________________________________ __ __ \ \/__\/__\_ \ Desfas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \ \_\ \ Estudiante de ingeniería en informática \) () ) \ Madrid, EspaÑa \ ) / \ \_ / \ Powered by Debian 2.2 Potato ___\ / \______________________________________(\\\)\ \ \_ \/ / \__/