On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 12:48:58PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> I have a bunch of users that keep messages on the server, but the client
> won't delete the messages automatically.  Cucipop will delete the message if
> it's older than a certain date, but only if the client tries to _retr_ it
> when it's old enough.  Since it does a uidl and knows it doesn't need to get
> that message again it won't and I get mail that is several months old on my
> server.
> I can have cucipop change the uidl once the message gets old enough, but
> then the client receives old mail, and people getting 200+ messages that
> they've already read doesn't go over very will with them...
> mutt -e "push..." will be a lifesaver. :)
> Does anyone see anything I haven't thought of already?  Oh, yes I know
> outlook will delete messages on the server "older than..." but I don't want
> to have to depend on the client being configured correctly, and most don't
> use outlook thankfully.
Crap, after mutt deletes the files, the uidl changes and the clients don't
deal with this, and download the messages again. :(

Is there anything I can do besides setting a policy that no messages are
stored on the server after a "retr" pop3 command, and if they want to get
messages from home it'll have to be with a seperate account?


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