Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to know what is it that you like so much about
> Emacs+Gnus?

Anything you want to do, you can add lisp to do it.  And people often
have done so already.  (Reading slashdot and web boards, for
instance.)  Scoring is great... pine doesn't have it, but I don't know
about mutt.  Adaptive scoring is even better.

I get between 700-1000 messages a day on average and read newsgroups
from several different servers.  Gnus treats them all the same.

Admittedly, Gnus has the learning curve from hell, but I don't know of
many people to switch away from it after it's working.

Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - In a variety of flavors!
Skunks in the Shrubbery: P. Yew

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