My set up is  
Debian 2.2r0 with updates  - so pretty much r3 I guess ?
Kernel 2.2.18pre21 (but had the same problem with my customized 2.2.17)

On boot up I get messages relating to several modules eg

lp modprobe  can't locate module  lp.....
ppp modprobe  can't locate module ppp

But something is finding them because I can prnt and send you this post
without any trouble.  Clearly there is something wrong with my kernel
compiling technique - though I thought that I had doe it "the Debian
way".  Can anyone put me right?


                            so here we are then....
                      ==== Running Debian/Gnu Linux  ====
          10:05am  up 42 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.03, 0.06

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