Well it really depends what you use it for. Personally, the best price/performance graphics card for Linux is the Geforce 2 mx from Nvidia - about $160 Australian. You will, however, to get good performance, have to download and install the drivers yourself, and run unstable or woody, as they both have XFree86 > 4.0x.
I would say the best sound card out there is the Creative Sound Blaster Live. In terms of modem I don't know, but you probably want to get an IBM Deskstar HD as I have heard they kick the competition out of town. (Well that's what I'm getting when I get some money) good luck, Renai On Wednesday 25 April 2001 04:55, John and Kristy Woodill wrote: > Well i have given up on trying to configured Windows / Linux together. I > can't get the hardware right and don't feel like fucking with it anymore. > I wanna build a computer just for linux-debian. I know what kinda > motherboard and KMD processor i wanna get but could someone please list > what i should use for a modem, sound card, video card that will configure > perfect and won't require much work but installing it and configuring X > Windows. Thanks to all those who respond! > > Andrew J Woodill > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------------------------------------- Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Description: ----------------------------------------