1.) the default behavior for debian seems to be to run modprobe on all
modules listed in /etc/modules at boot time, without -k (autoclean).  is
there a way to change this behavior?

2.) i've looked through some of the kernel docs, but it seems that the
only place i can find the names that the kernel uses to refer to
devices, i.e. char-major-14 for sound, is in the documentation for each
specific module, and most of the time it's not even listed there.  where
can i find a list of all the names that the kernel uses for devices when
it calls modprobe to load a module?

3.) i installed the kernel-image-2.4.3-686 package that was recently
uploaded to unstable, and i'm perplexed.  my root partition uses ext2 as
its filesystem, yet when i run lsmod, i see the ext2 module listed.  how
is this possible?  does kernel 2.4 use some kind of voodoo magic that
lets it read my kernel image off my root partition without knowing
anything about the filesystem used to store it?  the only thing i can
think of is that the new kernel package also uses an initrd image... is
this how it is accomplishing this amazing feat, superior even to
bootstrapping?  if so, please explain; i know nothing about initrd and
what it does--the only thing i know about ramdisks is from my dos days
when i could make a virtual drive out of ram and run programs super
duper fast off of it.


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|_) . |_)|(_|(_ |\          "Never rub another man's rhubarb." -- Joker

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