At 987805863s since epoch (04/20/01 09:31:03 -0400 UTC), Ilya Martynov wrote: > > WB> HI, > WB> Ive been looking for an mp3 encoder in a deb package, anyone found one? I > WB> have installed Grip and CDParanoia. > > No, there is no such. As I understand there is some license issues > with mp3. But you can use instead vorbis-tools to encode in ogg > format. This format free and even has better quality/filesize ratio > :). Most modern players should support it.
Or, theres the deb package "toolame", which is essentially the LAME mp3 encoder, except that it produces mp2s. For high bitrates, mp2 is essentially the same as mp3, and there's no nasty patent issues to deal with. mp2 is also supported by most mp3 players. Jason -- Jason Healy | [EMAIL PROTECTED] LogN Systems |