On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 01:01:41AM +0200, Henrik Jensen wrote:
| Hi,
| thx a lot to both of you!
| i can now use my network successfully :-)
| What I did in the first place was running the modconf - this way I got to
| select my network-adaptor from a list (it´s a Tulip compatible 'Kingston'
| PCI card btw.).
| I then configured the network to go through my default gateway, and then I
| was on the net, and I could browse around with lynx.

Good!  You got the hardware working, then figured out how to set up
the interface.

| BUT - everytime I reboot the system this configuration is lost... I have a
| file "/etc/init.d/networking" that contains a script of some sort, and as
| far as I can see there is no where in that script to insert IPADDRESS,
| GATEWAY and DNS´s.


I have in mine :

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
iface lo inet loopback

# My ethernet card
iface eth0 inet static

See 'man interfaces' for more info regarding this file.  Basically I
have said :
    o there is an interface, it's name is 'eth0'
    o it uses the 'inet' protocol
    o it has a static address (not dhcp)
    o the address is
    o the netmask is

There are other options that can be included with an interface.  When
you write this file, the command

    ifup eth0

will work, with no other cl args needed.


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