Well, here goes.  I have installed debian a number of
times, never successfully.  When I go bakc into the
installation to fix something, I have to redo
everything.  That gets tedious when your doing it from
floppies :-( (no cd burner for me).  Well, here is my
problem, and if anyone has time to help me out, I'll
be very thankful.  Here goes nothing...

I install linux from the floppies.  The main problem
is that I am tryig to install it on a computer I got
from the school library when they got new ones. 
Here's the problem, I have no idea what drivers to
install to get it working properly.  From what I see I
have to pick them out by hand in Debian, and I have no
idea which ones will do what.  The only one I install
then is the PPP support, which i figure might get me
connected to the net to get the rest of the stuff. 
I'm moer than likely wrong, so if anyone can instruct
me on what to do I'd be grateful.  Now, when I only
install that PPP driver, i make it fine into the main
area of defining the base system and stuff.  I set the
time, and I get to the point where I need to put
additional packages no the pc.  I can't do this with a
cd because i said before I don't own a cd burner.  So
I try to hook up to the net using a PPP connection and
my isp and the computer can't seem to find the modem. 
It asks for a manual port.  Now, I've gone through a
number of them, but I can't seem to make a conncection
to the net.  The last of my problems is that I finally
got into the shell (after the login, ect.) without
installing any packages, more an accident that
intentionally.  Well, now I went back in to the
installation process to retry the PPP package
downloader.  Well, to make it short, I had to
reinstall, but nohing works now anyway, so I will have
to reinstall after all.  This isn't really anything
you can help me with unless you have some advice that
will help if it happens again.

Well, thanks for reading all of that.  If anyone can
answer those questions and tell me what I'm doing
wrong and how to fix it, then thanks.  Well, goodluck
to everyone else out there.  Until the inevitable next time...

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