On (17/04/01 00:33), Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> Ok, thanks.
> But kbdconfig isn't avalible.  I also tried to insall the kdb package. But 
> apt wont install it, because it needs "console-data" wich isn't an avalible 
> package (!!??).

I use Woody also and this worked fine for me a couple of weeks ago
whan I changed my keyboard for one with a different layout. However, I
just tried to run it again & it seems to have disappeard in my
upgrade!! Anyway, according to apt, the package console-data is
obsolete and has been replaced by console-common. I haven't time to
try it myself but this may be your answer.

Otherwise, you can use 'loadkeys uk' replacing uk with the country
code you desire.

I hope this helps.



Simon Hooper
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