I just really messed up! I have a "stable" machine, and i had installed all the PostgreSQL related packages from the stable archive, and all was well.
Then I downloaded all the PostgreSQL 7.1 RC1 packages from http://people.debian.org/~elphick/postgresql/, put them in a directory all to themselves, did a cd to this directory, and di "dpkg -i *". This did not go well! I got all sorts of errors, and now when I go into dselct, I find I'm in dependency H**L. First, whay did I do wrong? Second, how can I recover from this mess? -- Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] 843-745-3154 Charleston SC. -- Windows 98: n. useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition. - (c) 2000 Stan Brown. Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.