On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:51:41PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently, I am using mutt to access my schools imap server. it's been 
> working great now I have another email account (pop3) and I use fetchmail to 
> retrive it. My problem is that whenever I reply my outgoing email address is 
> always the one with the imap server. (i.e. .edu) what I would like to be able 
> to accomplish is I would like to reply as whoever the mail was sent to. I am 
> using exim as my mta. my relevant eximconfig file is attached.
> Thanks for any Help

> ######################################################################
> #                      REWRITE CONFIGURATION                         #
> ######################################################################
> # There are no rewriting specifications in this default configuration file.
> # This rewriting rule is particularly useful for dialup users who
> # don't have their own domain, but could be useful for anyone.
> # It looks up the real address of all local users in a file
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
>                                               {$value}fail} bcfrF

OK if I get you right you have two email addresses you would like to
have displayed on your "From:" line.  This might not be the best way to
do this but since no one else has spoken up I'll give it a try.

Everything that is going out is being rewritten by your rewrite section
of your /etc/exim.conf file.  Maybe you know this.  

You can override this by putting a line in your ~/.muttrc file.  Here is
the one I use -
my_hdr From: ktb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You could create two files one called ~/.muttrc and one ~./muttrc2
Put a "my_hdr" line, one for isp1 in one file and one for isp2 in the
other.  Then at the command line when you fire up mutt you could source
which file you want with the following -

$ mutt -F ~/.muttrc
respond to mail from isp1

$ mutt -F ~/.muttrc2
respond to mail from isp2

You could of course create aliases for the two commands above so you
wouldn't have to type the whole line each time.

You could set up procmail to filter all mail from isp1 into one or
more folders and isp2 into another.  Maybe that would make things a
little easier for you.

I don't claim that this is the best way to do this.  Someone else might
chip in with a more elegant plan.

Also please set your mail client to wrap lines at 72 characters.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
     First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

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