>>>>> "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ethan> thats because any X program that requires root privileges
    Ethan> is broken by design.  the GUI part should run unprivileged
    Ethan> and use a small non-GUI backend to perform the privileged
    Ethan> stuff.  getting the root password via a ssh-askpass style
    Ethan> system, or in a cdrecording setup just using a setuid
    Ethan> cdrecord or similar.

    Ethan> running GUI code as root is retarded.

xcdroast doesn't require root (unstable version; according to the
documentation), but the Debian package doesn't work properly straight
out of the box yet (I think there are already bugs about this, but I
didn't look at the details).

The only reason I ran it as root was to try and minimise the problems
encountered when testing it. Also it is being run on a NFS-Root
system, with /usr, /bin, /lib, /sbin mounted read-only, /dev on devfs,
so the damage it could cause is mostly limited to /var, /home, /etc
(hmmm... the paranoid could/should mount the last two as read-only

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