on Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 02:19:43PM +1000, Tomaas Ortega ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> hey guys
> im getting these errors when running ssh i was wondering if anyone could help 
> me 
> debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_2.5.2p2
> debug1: load_private_key_autodetect: type 0 RSA1
> Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key
> debug1: Bind to port 22 on
> all keygens are installed as well as sshd and rsa and dsa
> im stumped as to what it could be
> any help would be greatly appreciated

Sorry, that ssh or sshd you're trying to run?

Why don't you provide *both* the command and the error output?

Looks like you've got a problem with your host key.  Grepping through
the sshd man page, I'd start looking at /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key and see if
there are problems with the file -- does it exist, what permissions?

  -rw-------    1 root     root          543 Mar 12 22:32 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key

Read the sshd manpage and try a Google search.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/         http://www.kuro5hin.org

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