On Tuesday 10 April 2001 20:37, Kevin Stokes wrote:

>   Now I can explain the title of my post. 

Don't need to. My trucks AC system caused a fire, hot fire, big scary fire! 
I was only a few hundred meters from the pacific ocean, it was just down that 
cliff! All that water . . .   :)

>   Why the hell didn't I think of doing that? 

How could you?! It's greek man!

>They (read me) have a tough
> time asking a question which uses terminology correctly, or even coming up
> a question that makes sense.

Linux documentation is going nutz on this project as I type this reply. In 
fact, debian folks are now looking for kind souls to write man pages for some 
600 applications right this very moment. Documentation *IS* a priority.

Yet, for the new people who only see a new windoz release every 2-4 years, 
you get ONE, count it, *ONE* way. Linux includes thousands.

Now, add the concept that linux and associated apps change really on a daily 
basis. It's pretty tough to keep up with that workload!

New kernel came down the pike. New qt's, new X...

But it IS coming, and there's hopes that the documentation will coinside the 

>   Anyway...   Does anybody know what steps I need to do in order make ssh
> work so I can log in remotely?   I wanted to try to use Tera Term Pro with
> the SSH extenstion to log onto my Linux machine from a Windows machine on
> the local network.
> Right now if I type:
> ssh -v -l root rocky

Typically, we want to ban 'root' remote access. On my own box, I was 
presented with a dialog regarding whether or not I would allow root access. I 
said *no* and that way I can only ssh as a user, THEN *su -* to superuser 
mode.  Please try it and see if that helps.

> -Kevin Stokes
> frustrated Linux Newbie.

Thanks Kevin, I enjoyed your note. 



Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

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