hmmm, i don't think you're missing anything, X does indeed provide a
graphicall shell to run a gui on, i'll have to rephrase my question to, does
anyone know a GOOD desktop that doesn't weigh a TON on an older system. Or
more precisely, an environment where you don't have to manually configure
your menu's, that's a plus in the windows os desktop you know

maybe i just need a good read on X and gui's ? any resource would be welcome

-----Original Message-----
From: robert bronsing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 11 april 2001 16:44
To: Joris Lambrecht
Subject: Re: OT : GUI Interfaces

> Since X is, after all those years, not the most userfriendly piece of
> software i'm looking for something else, if available.

Hi Joris,

may I ask you what is the problem with X? I thought X only provided the
means to have a GUI (without actually being one). I never had much
problems with configuring X and after configuring X I never needed to do
much with X itself apart from running it so I can use eg. gnome or KDE.
Am I missing something? Of course, I am a newbie so it's likely that I
am missing things here. 

Robert Bronsing

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