I have installed Debian 2.2.r2 ok. I have a Geforce II Card so had to
install X4 and the Nvidia Kernel modules. X4 was installed using the
Xinstall script, on top of my existing 3.3 installation. 
Created a XF86config file ok, this works fine. When I boot up, I get a
graphical login box (plain white) on a grey background. I log in and get a
grey screen with a small white terminal window top left with a prompt. You
cant move the window. 
I can start say wmaker by typing this at the prompt and it starts up fine
but I cant get it to boot into wmaker automatically ( or anything else for
that matter).
Someone suggested checking I my .xinitrc file in my home directory. There
isnt one probably because its never run before. And there is no default
xinitrc in any other directorys. 
I created a file called xinitrc with a line:
exec wmaker

and put this in my home directory and rebooted and it didnt work.

XDM starts up ok, but I am confused as to where files should now be stored.
It seems I have files under /etc/X11/ ....    and /usr/X11R86/ ..... 
Please Help!



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