  >I've just installed postgresql 7.0 from unstable. Everything is ok, 
  >except for the do.maintenance script. Right now it's running for 392 
  >minutes eating up 70% CPU constantly, though I have only 1 
  >postgres database and no data in it.
  >This doesn't seem to be the healthy behaviour to me. Is it?
I have seen a similar report; the diagnosis in that case was that it
was actively waiting for a password to be entered.


1: follow the instructions in /etc/cron.d/postgresql on supplying a
password to do.maintenance.

2: in /etc/cron.d/postgresql or in do maintenance set PGHOST to localhost
and export it.  Make sure postmaster is started with -i option (ALLOWTCPIP
option in /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init).  In /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf,
add the line

  host   all  ident sameuser

This will allow any user to connect through TCP/IP on localhost as himself
without giving a password.  He will not be able to change identity.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
     "Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is
      anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one
      of you sick? He should call the elders of the church
      to pray over him...The prayer of a righteous man is
      powerful and effective."         James 5:13,14,16 

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