On Mon, Apr 09, 2001, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Well it sounds like this might get to the stage where we should just
> "agree to disagree", but for now I'll throw in a few more thoughts...


> Indeed, this is basically the approach other people have recently
> suggested for implementing my own undelete.  Perhaps this is why
> unix hasn't got an undelete --- because people have created their
> own??


IMHO, this is exactly it.  I responded to your message a few days ago
and threw together the outline of a quick script (rm alias plus cron
job), that could probably be implemented in under five minutes.  I
think this is precisely why unix doesn't have an 'undelete'; lots of
people don't want or need it (even if it had no adverse effects), and
those that do are expected (not unfarily, IMHO) to be able to
construct the function to their liking in such a negligible amount of
time that it is probably not considered beneficial to include a
generic one with any given linux/unix anyway: thought process being
that enough people would want/have to tweak a generic 'undelete'
function to fit precisely what they want that it's essentially no
harder to just write it from scratch.  Furthermore, it's probably a
general unix/linux philosophy thing; provide robust, flexible tools
that are quickly used to allow people to construct their specific
implementations, rather than trying to guess/estimate what people want
to do.  In this case, your tools are alias and cron.

Hope this helps and take care,


> Cheers,
> Mark.

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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